As a member of The Company of Holistic Returns® network, our role is to become an integral part of your working life and guide you and your company towards better balance and long-term stability.
Returns can be measured in more ways than money!
“By letting us guide you through your business transformation process, will mean better balance for you and the people you work with as well as those you care for the most.”
We are here to help you, as a business owner and human being, to get your company moving
in the right direction (or prepare it, and you, for your exit).

By creating better order and balance around you and your company, you will eliminate unnecessary stress for you and your co-workers so that everyone starts feeling better.

By not having to run around and check everyone (and everything) all the time, you’ll have more time left over to focus on creating better balance in other areas of your life, not just work.

Eventually, time catches up with all of us, and you’ll soon have to choose how to turn over your company to others. Are you really ready? We can definitely help you with this journey as well!
As a member of The Company of Holistic Returns® our role is to become an integral part of your working life and guide you and your company towards better balance, long-term stability and more importantly; Returns that can be measured in more ways than money.
To read more, click on the (+) symbols!
Where do you want to be in 3-5 years and why? If you can answer this question, then we’ll help you transform your company so that it can be used as a tool to help you get where you need to go (instead of it being the major stumbling block in your life). And, if you don’t know the answer to that question yet, we will help you there as well. We don’t judge, because we’ve made mistakes in our own journeys as well!
We focus primarily on companies and organizations with less than 30-employees, since we believe it’s the small companies, in our local regions, that will define the future (If they can develop and grow following common, sustainable, values and principles).
Of course, if your company has more than 30-employees, you’re welcome to contact us as well, since the benefits of going on a Holistic Returns® journey is for everyone!
Someone who can contribute with guidance, understanding (and a little hard work) before, during and after you decide to start your transformation journey. Someone who can, with decisiveness, help you to operationally implement what needs to be changed in your company. We help you, as an entrepreneur and a human being, to get you and your company going in the right direction.
We’re a group of experienced, knowledgeable and enterprising business men and women who are passionate about helping and guiding others on their life’s journey and We are here for You!
You are now face-to-face with the Big Exit (or soon will be).
You got here either on your own, or are being forced here because of issues that you don’t control. How will (or does) this whole exit effect you personally? You’re leaving behind your life’s work and will need to put it into the hands of others. So much to think about, and then comes the actual hand-over preperation, legal matters, family matters, financial and company matters.
Where can I get the guidance and assistance that I need getting all this stuff done?
Myles Dean
USA: +1 (603) 393-7101
Sweden:+46 (0)729-75 60 60
Myles is an Operational Business Transformation Expert and helps business owners (as well as their boards and CEOs) to define a new pathway for their company and then go in and lead the entire transformation process. Together with the owner(s), investors, board members, CEO and personnel, we plan for and then roll-out the necessary changes to get the company going where it should be.
Since 2008, and with over 30 transformation projects behind him, Myles has a unique tool box to help you, the business owner, to reach the vision and goals that you’ve set up for your life, by transforming the company into a tool to help get you there (instead of it being the greatest hinder for you to reach these goals).

Malin Åhman
+46 705-25 14 55
Malin is a Business Leader Life Coach, as well as a Company Transformation Specialist. By focusing on the company owner’s fundamental motivations and value structure, Malin helps the owner clarify his/her vision for their life, as well as anchoring these new priorities for the owner, the board of directors and the company.
Malin helps the company owners, board of directors and management teams to equip themselves with broad self-assessment tools which help them create a plan that maps out what needs to change in their every-day life in order to reach their new goals, improving their quality of life and thereby improving the company that they are involved in.

Michael is a personal, Exit Planning Specialist and Coach and assists business owners who want to (or are forced to) hand over their company to someone within their family network.
Micheal is a hands-on person that becomes not just a coach, but a colleague to the company owner; helping him/her with the various activities that need to get done. For example, preparing for and implementing the transfer process with everyone that is (and needs to be) involved. However, Michael is also there after the handover is completed, helping the exiting owner to find new purpose in life.
Läs mer om Michael här.

Together, regardless of the type of company or organization that you are struggling with, we as a team, can help you get a clear helicopter view of what’s going on, what should be going on, and then help you to roll out the changes that are necessary so that you can succeed with your life goals and your company.